Person in Bed Emoji Png

Person in Bed Emoji 🛌 is a bed with a gender-unspecified person sleeping in it, such as at a house, hostel, hotel, or other sleeping accommodation. This emoji is used especially for various content concerning sleeping as well as beds, housing, furniture, relaxing, and other bedroom activities.

It is shown with a headboard on the left and a footboard with a person under the covers, head on the pillow. Most of the platforms suggest a wooden frame and feature red or blue sheets.

Apple Name

🛌 Person Sleeping

Unicode Name

🛌 Sleeping Accommodation

Person in Bed

Person in Bed

Person in Bed with black outline

Person in Bed with black outline

Person in Bed with white outline

Person in Bed with white outline

Person in Bed with white shadow

Person in Bed with white shadow

Person in Bed with patterns

Person in Bed with patterns

Person in Bed with black shadow

Person in Bed with black shadow

Person in Bed with light shadow

Person in Bed with light shadow

Person in Bed with tricolor of Indian flag

Person in Bed with tricolor of Indian flag

Person in Bed with inner white line

Person in Bed with inner white line

Person in Bed with black and white outline

Person in Bed with black and white outline

Person in Bed with light white outline

Person in Bed with light white outline

Person in Bed with white outline and shadow

Person in Bed with white outline and shadow

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